Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Week 2: My Entreprenuership story

Hello everyone,

In my experiences I have met one person who is an entrepreneur. It might not be the traditional creation of something that is completely different than anything else, but it is a new business in a brand new innovative location. This gentlemen's name is Scott Brown, an independent financial advisor for Raymond James. He worked hard for Raymond James for many years and then decided at some point that it would be a great time to change locations and have his own practice using the name of Raymond James. He has been a successful business owner now for over twenty years.

This leads into the next part of this post. The reason I chose to be in this ENT 3003 course is for the knowledge of the entrepreneurial mindset to be able to do what Mr. Brown has done. As I have said in some other posts, I want to become a financial advisor as well. Taking this class I believe will give me the knowledge to have a better chance of being successful.


  1. I enjoyed reading your post also, Derek! That is a wonderful goal to have, Raymond James is certainly a great company to be associated with. I expect to hear about an independent financial advisor by the name of Derek Foster in the future!! I hope you obtain all that you would like from this class!

  2. Hey Derek, that is really cool how you met Scott Brown and he was able to share his story with you. You mentioned that Scott Brown has been a successful business owner for over twenty years; he must have shared some of his secrets and struggles with you that are going to help you in your own life. Mr. Brown was an inspiration to you and I hope you use that inspiration along side with what you learn in this course and your own experiences to became the financial advisor you want to be. Feel free to check out my own entrepreneurship story at
