Tuesday, January 19, 2016

week 3: World's Biggest Problems

10 of the words BIGGEST problems:

1. Isis is a huge problem for almost all of the world

I think a probable solution to Isis would be by going after the issue via campaigns and propaganda. That is essentially their entire recruiting strategy, therefore, if you are able to advertise why 'not' to join Isis, I feel that it may help destroy their goal of gaining supporters. Obviously there is more too it, and much that I do not know, but this seems like a good start in my opinion .

2. Our politicians act like savage animals on the campaign trail.

This to me is a huge problem. I am almost embarrassed for other countries to see how our politicians act while they are trying to get elected. When I first watched the movie "The Campaign", staring Will Ferrell, I thought it was a great mockery to how people look at politicians. Now, however, it appears to represent the actual way they are by a much smaller stretch of the imagination.

3. I love to fish, and it kills me when my family and I go to the coast and see trash in the water.

Even when people know that it is horrible for the oceans to have plastic, and other harmful things in our waters, they ignorantly and lazily toss their garbage right into the water anyways. I have seen waste baskets near the beaches and on fishing piers, so something has been done. It is up to the people now to stop being lazy and just do the right thing.

4. In other countries there are people starving to death and dying from contaminated water.

Though the United States does make an effort to give some of these places food and clean drinking water, it is still seen all to often that there are many people dying each day because of this. I am not sure how this problem would be solved, but it is very sad to know that it is happening.

5.   There have been a significant amount of mass shootings in the past several years.

If I was to give my opinion of a solution, I would say that it is important to allow mentally stable, non-criminals to carry a weapon with them for their own protection. Taking away guns from the law abiding citizens does not stop the criminals who do these hate crimes from continuing. If people are carrying a weapon in most of these cases, there may be a few deaths still, but I am certain that the shooter would be stopped before a large number of innocent people's lives are taken.

6. Just down the road from UF there is a large tent city, which is a homeless population that lives in tents as you may assume.

Many people in Gainesville could possibly go their entire time living here and never know that it was there. I only recently found out because I was looking at an apartment near it and the property manager informed me about it. A solution to this could probably be to find a way to get these people some kind of job for an income. Many of them may have some kind of criminal background, or health reason to why they aren't working, but if we could come up with something to give them an earned income rather than asking tax payers to fund it, I think that this would create a great impact.

7. In every city, there is some kind of problem with drugs in the streets.

I am not sure what exactly could be done to prevent drugs from entering the streets, but I do know that making them illegal has not done very much to help. If I am talking about prescription drugs, one thing might be to tighten up the sales to people by the doctors and pharmacists. Sometimes it is as easy as going to the doctor and telling them you have a symptom of something that calls for that drug and in some cases it is prescribed just like that.

8. Not as big of an issue, but people are always seeming to be attached to their cell phones.

I have noticed that most people, including older folks, are becoming dependent on their cell phones. I am quite confident that if you were challenged to go 24 hours without it, most people, including myself, would have a very difficult time with that. It has become a key part of every day life. A solution to this I guess would be to use more face to face communications or phone calls rather than the typed form of communication that shows know sense of communication skills. The only thing typing does is it shows how grate of a spelar you are. :)

9. My finance professor informed me how little students study now versus how much we used to study just a few years ago.

This is a problem. Students are spending less and less effective time studying, and more time doing other things. This goes back to the cell phones again briefly. It is very easy to be distracted by your phone and put off that boring studying you need to do. It is only natural to find a reason to stop doing something that is not exciting. I think the cell phones and electronics as a whole going away during studies would increase the study time a little bit.

10. Now that I am clearly running out of big issues to talk about, I suppose I will mention fishing again. It is horrible when I am fishing for crappie out on the lake just this past weekend and watch a man take a 5 inch fish and toss it into his cooler for dinner.

There are specific size regulations on certain fish, such as crappie, so that they can have a sustainable harvest. How can people accurately and effectively protect fish, when people feel that it is okay to make their own rules? This is another case where people just need to step up and be more responsible.

This is an image of a tent city to show just what it looks like and how big of a problem this could be.


  1. Hello Derek,

    I found all of your topics to be very interesting, and I agree that they are pressing concerns that we must address. I also wrote about ISIS as a major concern, and have a very similar solution to dealing with that problem. You also touched on an interesting topic, which is mankind's increasing over dependance on technology. I agree, and believe that people should "disconnect" every once in a while to enjoy reality. Lastly, I get quite flustered when I see an irresponsible fisherman robotically filleting a fish that clearly isn't a real legal catch, so I can certainly relate with your concern.

    Also, I linked my blog here to share it with you.


  2. Hi Derek. I thought your post had some very important and relevant problems that affect our world today, especially the one about mass shootings. I also liked how you included cell phones and how people are so attached to them as a problem, because I feel like it is a pretty relevant problem to pretty much everyone nowadays and should be fixed. http://minaaomar.blogspot.com/2016/01/worlds-biggest-problems.html

  3. I like how you added a personal touch to some of these issues. It's one thing to say "trash in the water is an issue. The ocean should not be contaminated." It's another thing to personally let us know that you love to fish, and that you've personally seen what we as people have done to the water systems. Hopefully one day many of these issues will be solved.

    Here is my blog if you would like to take a look:
