Sunday, January 31, 2016

Week 4: Reading Reflection

1) From the reading there was one thing that really stuck out to me that I found to be very interesting. There was a creative exercise in the book, and I took the time to try it out. It was really amazing the types of things you could come up with for uses and functions to the oddest items. I did an exercise like this in one of my classes at Valencia College before attending UF. The difference was we made a list of as many functions we could think of with a paper clip. It is really amazing when you take the time to do this. Plus, it ends up being rather difficult as well!

2) Something that I found to be confusing in the reading was when I got to the types of innovation. I noticed in that list, there was duplication. At first, I was surprised that duplication was even there, and then when I read about it, I became even more confused. I think of duplication as an exact copy, but here it is a copy that has been changed. I am not sure I understand how this could be called a duplication because of this.

3) If I was able to ask two questions to the author, these would be my two questions:
- If the entrepreneurship mindset is quite as important as it seems to be, why is creativity not taught more?
- This one is not much of a question, but I think that the brain blocks a lot of creativity out with knowledge. In the past I saw a study of people asked to be creative about a "blob" of paint and describe what they saw, and there were two groups; six year olds, and grown people. In the study the results had the six year olds blowing the grown ups out of the water with variety of ideas and quickness.

4) This part kind of goes back to number 2. I don't believe that duplication is a good way to describe something that is innovated because it is not a copy of the previous piece even though we obviously know what is implied.

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