Sunday, January 24, 2016

Week 3: Identifying Local Opportunities

This is a list of five local news paper articles I found and want to share with you today that present a problem with an opportunity. Each and every problem in life is simply an opportunity to make it better.

Anti-gambling group targets deal with Seminoles

In this article, the Seminole Indians had a specific deal for gambling in both Miami Dade county as well as Broward. That contract has just recently expired, and they continue to offer their gambling. An Orlando organization called No Gambling is trying to prevent them from renewing the contract and definitely keep them from expanding their locations beyond those two counties.

The problem in the story is that the Seminoles want to keep their gambling rights, while Orlando's No Gambling organization is trying to make the gambling leave the state.

The Seminoles and the Orlando No Gambling organization face this issue.

Recent crash at UCF highlights heroin hazards

This article was actually very disturbing as I read it. There was an automobile accident on the campus of UCF and the car was on fire. UCFPD was trying to get the man inside to leave his car, but he insisted on lighting a cigarette inside while gasoline leaked out beneath his feet. The officer then noticed a large syringe that the man had just used for heroin. There has been a bad outbreak in the last few years in Orlando with heroin overdoses so they are trying to take action to stop it.

The problem is the spike in usage of heroin in Orlando, especially near the university.

This problem is the areas around UCF that need to be helped and/or cleaned up to help remove the drug problems so it is safer for students, and anyone else around campus.

Dark side prevails as 'Star Wars' film delayed - Release of 'Star Wars: Episode VIII' pushed back to December 2017

If there are any Star Wars fans out there, you will be upset to know that the next movie was delayed from May of 2017 now to December! There was not a real reason to why it was pushed back, but it now has to compete with the second Avatar movie, which also comes out December of 2017.

The problem here is that one, people have to wait longer for the new movie, but two, it has to compete with another very highly rated movie in the same month!

This appears to be a problem, or an opportunity all in the same for the film makers, and movie theaters.

Garbage, yard waste woes still evident, street by street - County says it's improving service, though

This article is speaking on the side of the homeowners who cannot figure out exactly why they have had trash piling up in their front lawns for the past few weeks. The Garbage company has created a cheaper routine for trash pick-up, but obviously so far it has not been enjoyed by the homeowners.

The problem I see in this article is conflict of homeowners putting the new cans out correctly, as well as the new system missing large portions of their area and a build up of trash.

This problem is directly on the garbage company as well as the homeowners because they are both messing up throwing a wrench in the process.

Millennials increase savings but fall short of target rate

This article is particularly interesting to me given that I would like to be a financial advisor. It is speaking about the millennials, which the article refers to as people between the ages of 25-34. Basically, it says that the percentage of savings done by this group of people has increased a couple percentage points in the last few years. However, according to them, they need to increase it a lot more for these individuals to be able to retire comfortably without fear of living past their savings.

The problem here is that people do not tend to enjoy saving their money. I mean after all, isn't that hard earned paycheck there to spend now?

The problem is targeted at the millennials not having enough to retire, but also, the problem will soon turn to the younger population if they wait a long time to begin saving. Obviously, the sooner you start saving, the more money you will be able to accrue.


  1. Hey Derek,

    I found all of the articles that you choose very interesting. All of them have a problem that offers an opportunity to solve it. Like the UCF drug problem, I think something definitely needs to be done to keep everyone safe and lower the heroin use. I also liked the article about the millennials. It is scary to think that people are not saving enough in order to have enough money to retire. If you want to check out my local opportunities, here it is:

  2. Hey Derek,

    The second article really sticks out to me. I'm from around that area, and have spent a lot of time near UCF. I didn't really know about such drug problems, but it's a scary thought to think that this stuff surrounds us, even when we seem safe. I surely hope they solve the problem. I also realized that each of the problems you posted had potential for a decent solution.

    Thanks, check out my blog if you'd like:

  3. Derek,

    You're just like me! I am a huge Star Wars fan and learning about the movie being delayed is very sad. The fact of the matter is that I love the Star Wars trilogy and hearing that this film was getting delayed hurt so much. Thanks for pin pointing that out. It wasn't such a big deal in my community but if I were to have seen it, then I probably would have put it on my list! Great post! Thanks!

    Check out my blog:
