Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Week 4: Top 5 World Problems

List of five big problems:

1. Isis is a huge problem for almost all of the world

2. There have been a significant amount of mass shootings in the past several years.

3. In every city, there is some kind of problem with drugs in the streets

4. In other countries there are people starving to death and dying from contaminated water. (even our own)

5. Just down the road from UF there is a large tent city, which is a homeless population that lives in tents as you may assume

List of most possible solutions:

1.  Implementing more food drives and water donations for the starving people is already something that is happening so that makes me believe that this solution would be one of the easier to accomplish.

2. For the Isis problem, an Internet campaign against their recruiting seems like it  could be a possible solution that would just need some brain power and collaboration.

3. The tent cities is another one that people have began to try to fix, but so far nothing has quite worked out to the fullest. I believe giving the homeless an opportunity for a job rather than no opportunity at all, or hand outs even, would help them to get back into society enough at least to have a healthy place to live rather than in a tent.

4. Mass shootings are another big problem, and it is very difficult to handle. My fifth point is about drugs and it goes right along with it as far as the laws only preventing the law abiding citizens from breaking them. I am not sure of a solution, but if I had to make one, it would be doing a better job of screening as well as background checks and things of that precautionary type of thing to be done.

5. Drugs being on the street every day and night is a big problem, and a very difficult one to tackle. It may seem easy enough to say get rid of the drug, and then problem solved, right? Wrong. Laws only prevent those who follow laws from breaking laws. That sentence sounds repetitive, and I am not saying laws are a waste of time and money. But in some cases, the law is just a minor impact on the reality of the situation. I do not even know what we could do to stop this from happening.

 It was no easy task choosing these two top five lists. As far as the first top five, being the list of the top five biggest problems, I chose them because they are issues that are very widespread, as well as a large impact on our everyday lives. Some of them may be things that we see constantly on the news, and others we may not here much of at all even though it is a huge problem that we may be putting on the back burner. Additionally, I chose the top five list of my problems solutions through some careful examination. What I noticed, was the "biggest" problems, I seemed to have an easier solution for rather than the not as big of problems where I could not even come up with an idea. I think that is because those bottom problems have been issues for many years while the others are more recent and people haven't had time yet to get an answer.


  1. Derek, I agree with a lot on your post. First of all, I like that you put ISIS as your top issue because right now I think that is a huge problem for everyone in the world. Also, your mass shootings as number 2 is a big issue that I hadn't thought of. It seems this is becoming a very prominent issue and whether the solution be gun control or tighter security (especially at schools) I think we could decrease the frequencies of these. Lastly, I agree with your thoughts on the solution to the drug problems we have. I can't think of an exact solution to this either. Maybe it starts with solving issues with in impoverished areas since thats where a lot of drugs are being dealt. Check out my rank ordering and solutions !

  2. Hey Derek,
    I appreciated that you took time with both top five lists to assess what the major problems were, yet what are the more implementable solutions to fix or aid the problems. As you pointed out both international and domestic terrorism are two major worldwide problems that we have to face. However, your reasoning that the ways to solve those issues are not so easy to resolve. I did the same thing with my solutions list that you did by letting your solutions focus on more tangible problems to overcome. I think that is the best way to go about what you can truly impact and move the dial to achieving a win for a solution.

    If you'd like to check out my Top Five lists of Problems/Solutions, go to:
