Sunday, February 21, 2016

Week 7: Free Money

I did my five encounters with random people that I saw walking around the parking lot of my apartment complex and tried to get them to take a dollar from me. At first I assumed that it would be really easy to get people to take the dollar, but then I realized that when people were busy or shy they wanted nothing to do with me or my dollar. Of the videos that I took, only one person decided to take the dollar without question. The other did not. Here are the links to the videos:

The biggest thing that I realized doing this assignment is that I lost out on four dollars. It was much harder to give the dollar to some people than others. I had two people just take it and move on and then one who just kept asking questions about what it was for and why I was giving it to them. He had asked at what point what the catch was. This was an interesting challenge given I could not tell them it was for class. For the most part my reason for giving the dollar was just because I was feeling like giving a dollar away because I felt like it. This was definitely an odd challenge and I enjoyed seeing people's different reactions.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Derek,
    Just a heads up, I was assigned to your post but you happened to link only one of the videos instead of posting your blog. Nevertheless, I am here reading it and it is done nicely. One thing that I think you could of changed in order to get a better reaction was to make a story up for giving a dollar away. In my post I made up the story that they dropped it paying for food. Here is a link to my post:
